It's suppose to be a time of joy and overwhelming love after you give birth to your baby. Everyone tells you that you're doing great and to enjoy your time with your new baby but what if you don't feel the same?
In the early months to follow after giving birth, you may experience the 'baby blues' and being a new parent can be tiring with the lack of sleep and adapting to a new schedule and routine. Your body is going through a new hormonal change as you journey through this postpartum/fourth trimester period and often times can feel alone and a loss of identity. You may ask yourself 'is this normal?' Your care providers, family and friends may ask you how you're doing and you'll most likely answer, 'I'm fine' but may feel otherwise as you aren't sure what else to say.
And having a new baby can feel a bit lonely. Most women prior to the arrival of baby were a part of the workforce, interacting with others on a daily basis and now are home with minimal exposure to others. Often when feeling overwhelmed after childbirth, you may often wonder how you'll make it through the whole day and just try your best.
Perhaps there was the addition of trauma to the situation prior to pregnancy, during delivery or after. This could include personal experience, family situation or events surrounding your baby which can impact your thoughts and ability to process any incidences.
When you start to feel difficulty bonding to your baby, experience excessive crying, extreme sadness, isolated in your home, low energy, anxiety, change in your sleeping and eating and being irritable at times, some say this is normal and some will notice that you may benefit from some extra support. You may yourself notice that you just aren't feeling like yourself and share with someone close to you your experience.
This can be postpartum depression. This can be postpartum anxiety. It is a condition that can affect both sexes and can be experienced as early as a week to a few months following childbirth. The timeline working through this experience can be individual.
It does not mean that you are weak or a failure. It is a treatable condition with the support of professionals and those around you.
As a postpartum doula, the support provided to you and your family can assist you with lifestyle modification. We support you in a variety of ways and encourage to simplify and to set realistic expectations. Here are a few ways that we can support you during this time:
1. Getting outside: even 10 minutes each day can make you feel better!
2. Set realistic expectations each day
3. Create monthly goals
4. Meal prepping
5. Light house cleaning
6. Infant and toddler care
7. Playdates and activities outside the home
8. Time for yourself
9. Talking
10. Coping strategies
You are not alone. It is okay to ask for help and we're here to support you during this transition.
If you would like more information on our personalized support services, please contact us We'd be happy to help..