Having a doula for my own birth was such an incredible experience. So much so that I had to become one myself.
In a situation where fear could have taken over, our Doula was a place of calm and trust. We were in her hands, and she walked with us to create a birth where I felt empowered, safe, and positive.
Here are just 10 reasons why having a Birth Doula is the absolute best way to get the birth you want.
1: We are your personal google - throughout pregnancy you can reach out to us through text or email anytime. We answer questions, help you get evidence based information, and hold space for any emotional support you need. We are your unbiased birth team member. Working specifically to improve the experience for you.
2. We help your partner shine - we circle around the two of you, facilitating a beautiful relationship. We encourage more intimacy, and also make sure your partner is rested and taken care of so they are a better help when you come home with baby.
3. We can help you make a birth plan; truth, we actually hate the term plan. We want to sit with you and build a birth that FEELS good. A birth you desire. Get dreamy!! This doesn't have to be the scariest day of your life! It has the potential to be beautiful
4: We can teach you about birth - most doulas are also childbirth educators which means we are trained to teach you about the anatomy and physiology of birth. Knowledge is Empowerment. You are more present in your choices when you understand them inside and out.
5: We can help you decide when to go to the hospital - one of the best reasons to hire a doula is this. Arriving to early to the hospital is a big mistake. It puts you on their time clock, and can lead down a funnel of interventions that may have not been necessary if you were at home until labour was fully active.
6: We support you through your entire birth - it has been proven time and time again that even just the physical presence of a trusted, wise, birth support worker at your baby's birth day can improve physical AND emotional outcomes. Beyond just showing up we also bring along experience with coping techniques, and verbal cues that help you in your journey.
7: We work hand in hand with you, AND your care providers - yes, we work for you firstly. We also have worked with most of the care providers in the city. We have their respect, and we can help you get everything you need from them. We are well versed at posing things as questions, and getting you the information and answers you need during your pregnancy and birth.
8: We stay after the birth - After your baby is born, we stay to make sure you are comfortable, you have fed successfully, and you both have eaten. If you had a home birth we always help tidy up! A family starting with a solid foundation of rest, nutrition, and support is a family much better off.
9: We do post partum visits and support infant feeding - we come to your house after. your baby is born and can help get you settled into a routine. We have supported so many families through the transition to parenting, and we know our stuff. We also can support whatever variation of infant feeding that you have chosen! If its beyond what we can do, we refer out to the best of the best!
10: We stay in touch - we offer unlimited texting and emails until 6 weeks post partum. That means any questions, even the ones you think are silly, we have answers for you! You can always add more Post Partum hours to your contract as well. Including overnights!
